of focusing solely on the biology behind the prawns and Wikus’s (unbelievable)
transformation (which must have involved the altering of his genes on a
cell-to-cell basis), I’m going to talk about Wikus’s character in this blog
post. I liked him as the protagonist. His personality was a mixture of douche bag and loving husband, such that I couldn't decide whether to hate him
or feel bad for him. His character evolved over the course of the movie as
well, making him that much more intriguing.
At the beginning of the film, Wikus
was a lovable office nerd, appointed to a militaristic position by his
father-in-law (in a move that stank of nepotism). It was difficult to reconcile
the image of the bumbling cubicle farmer with the man who set shacks of prawn
eggs on fire and sanctioned the death of two million prawns in one day. This
all happened before we were introduced to humanized prawns and we only saw them
as animalistic antisocial bug monsters, so we didn’t really care whether or not
they died in masses. Later, though, when we’ve met Christopher and CJ, who have
retained family love and a connection to the technology of their people, Wikus’s
actions seem evil. Finally, Wikus ends the movie by killing what must be
hundreds of humans in order to help Christopher and CJ escape to their mother
planet. This might be construed as admirable, but Wikus only defended the prawn
family because he needed them in order to reverse his transformation—so that he
can return to his wife. Wikus’s one truly selfless act was to go back and save
Christopher when he was wearing the mecha-suit.
I read Wikus’s function as main
character as supporting apartheid. His idea of a resolution to the prawn
problem is either separating them further from Johannesburg and placing them in
tents or getting them off the planet entirely by fixing their ship and excising
prawn-ness so that he can return to being fully human. If someone else was the
main character—say, Christopher or one of the MNU guys—then the entire tone of
the story would have changed. The main goal would then be either to save the
prawns by getting them to a better place or to eliminate the monstrous prawns
that pose a threat to the people of Johannesburg. As is, the audience can see
that the prawns are thinking being that are being oppressed and yet no effort
is made on the part of the main character to inspire understanding in humans of
the prawn condition. This support of apartheid can also be read in the
animalistic portrayal of the Nigerians as antagonists. Honestly, the film
placed them almost below the level of prawns, because for some reason the
Nigerians chose to live in the hovel
that is District 9 and want to become like the prawns so that they can use
their guns (just as MNU does).
I suppose the lame denouement was
meant to expose the darkness of human nature and leave us with a bad taste in
our mouths. In a way, the stagnant prejudices of the characters in this movie
are more realistic than any major character change the film might have pulled
out of nowhere. It would have been a miracle for the humans and prawns to like
each other by the end of the movie, just as it would be a miracle for real
racial tensions to dissipate in the span of a couple days.
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